Monday, 13 January 2020: 8:30 AM
253B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
SNPP and NOAA-20 are in the same low earth orbit, separated by a half orbit, with equator crossing times of the ascending nodes at 13:30. The impacts of two satellites in the same orbit have been demonstrated for nowcasting applications and recently we have shown the unanticipated benefit to assess the quality of the JPSS (SNPP and NOAA-20) data for long term monitoring of the Earth’s environment. We believe this configuration should become a standard best practice for all satellite agencies flying polar orbiting satellites. For nowcasting, two satellites half orbit apart enables better monitoring of the changing environment in the polar regions – such as ice monitoring and even wildfires. For severe weather, (tropical storms, thunderstorms-convective environment), relying on one satellite will not provide the necessary coverage because of limb effects and orbital gaps. For climate monitoring, the difference between the two satellites (instruments, products) can be monitored on a 16 day or 32 day repeat cycle, because the global average should be identical since both satellites are observing at 13:30 and 1:30. At the conference we will demonstrate improvements in nowcasting and show the long term stability of the JPSS observations and products, which will become an anchor for climate monitoring.