Thursday, 16 January 2020: 11:15 AM
104B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
The urban surface temperature is an essential variable for urban energy and the urban thermal environment. However, in general in-situ or satellite surface observations measure the two dimensional (2-D) land surface temperature (LST) which does not capture the whole surface thermal energy of the urban system. This study observed a whole surface temperature of buildings in Beijing, China using iButton loggers in June 2018. The diurnal cycle of the complete surface temperature (Tc), which represents the integration of surface temperatures across the volume produced an equivalent 3-D LST of a building. Additionally, the building heat storage (QG) was estimated using the Tc. Results showed that: (1) The roof temperature (Troof) is much higher than any other building surfaces with maximum differences of 18K between Troof and north wall temperature at 12:00 local standard time; Tc is much lower than Troof but higher than north wall temperature, and is nearly same with south and west walls values and the diurnal maximum difference between Tc and Troof is up to 13 K. (2) The diurnal maximum roof QG is 325 W/m2 at 12:00 local standard time while the building QG using Tc is only 137 W/m2, evidence of the miss-estimation when using the 2-D LST only as proxy of the building heat storage energy. Tc may be a better choice for urban energy and urban thermal environmental studies.