1.2 Tropical Cyclones of 2019 in the Eastern and Southern Hemispheres: Perspectives from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (Invited Presentation)

Monday, 13 January 2020: 8:45 AM
Ballroom East (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Owen H. Shieh, Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Pearl Harbor, HI; and C. M. Fine

The Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) is a U.S. Navy command jointly staffed with U.S. Navy and Air Force personnel, tasked with forecasting 85% of the world’s tropical cyclones across 100+ million square miles of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command’s area of responsibility (AOR). This presentation will provide an overview of JTWC operations and its recent challenges in multi-basin tropical cyclone forecasting, including recent advancements in techniques, processes, and decision support tools. A preliminary overview of the 2019 tropical cyclone seasons in the western North Pacific, Indian, and South Pacific ocean basins will be provided, with a particular emphasis on the most high-impact cases across the AOR. Ongoing interagency initiatives with the National Weather Service to enhance decision support services will also be discussed.
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