Sunday, 12 January 2020
Misconceptions (incorrect or partially correct ideas about scientific concepts) can inhibit learning. Identifying misconceptions is key to improving understanding of scientific concepts. Unfortunately, studies of misconceptions related to atmospheric and climate sciences are scattered across multiple journals making it difficult for educators and education researchers to access this information. The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) has identified compiling and categorizing these misconceptions as a Grand Challenge(Cervato et al. 2018). In response to this call for research, a total of 212 journal articles related to atmospheric and climate science misconceptions were reviewed to broadly categorize misconceptions held by students and teachers related to weather, climate and climate change. Research questions include identifying which misconceptions are most common, the topics that need further research, and persistence of misconceptions through time. This research will aide in the development of a database of common misconceptions in atmospheric and climate science that will be accessible to educators, education researchers, and the atmospheric science community.
Cervato, C., D. Charlevoix, and A. Gold, 2018: Research on Students ’ Conceptual Understanding of Environmental , Oceanic , Atmospheric , and Climate Science Content. Community Framework for Geoscience Education Research, K. St. John, Ed., National Association of Geoscience Teachers, 17–34.