Sunday, 12 January 2020
The Pennsylvania State University’s Campus Weather Service has evolved into the gold standard for educating students in weather communication since it was founded in 1972. As technology has advanced in its 47-year history, Campus Weather Service has utilized the latest industry standard technology in order to provide critical weather information for Pennsylvania and beyond. With over 100 active student members, Campus Weather Service is widely regarded as the oldest and largest student-run forecasting organization in the country. Campus Weather Service provides daily web forecasts for 11 regions in Pennsylvania and numerous television and radio broadcasts across Pennsylvania. The organization has amassed over 6,500 Twitter followers and over 2,000 likes on Facebook in the past 10 years. An immense social media presence allows students to deliver urgent weather messages faster than ever before, and teaches students the role and importance of social media to meteorologists. Live video coverage of severe weather allows students to understand and work in fast-paced, real-world television broadcasting environments. Many Penn State graduates began their forecasting and broadcasting careers in Campus Weather Service, and the organization will continue to serve as a leader in forecasting, broadcasting, and professionalism for the next generation of meteorology students.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner