S195 13 April 2019 Tornado Analysis

Sunday, 12 January 2020
Anthony Eugene Thornton II, NCAS, Memphis, TN

April 13, 2019 was a very active day (weather wise) in Mississippi. At the beginning of the day, most storms were out of Memphis WFO's CWA. In the evening, storms finally began to move through the Memphis WFO CWA area. One such storm started in Monroe County and produced two tornadoes, both of which passed directly over the kgwx radar. Tornadoes passing over the kgwx radar are extremely rare; therefore, this presented an excellent research opportunity. This project analyzes various aspects of both tornadoes including but not limited to: rotational velocity, reflectivity, CC values, ZDR, and lightning. Along with a tornado analysis, this project evaluates the kgwx radar performance in the moments before, during, and after both tornadoes passed over it. This project also seeks to challenge the intensity both tornadoes were assigned after a proper survey was conducted.
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