Scientific data are critical to the advancement of atmospheric and related sciences, the provision of products and services for the benefit of society, and the promotion of commerce and private-sector activities. Many governmental scientific agencies within the United States and internationally have created or updated policies in recent years to ensure that scientific data are preserved and made available at little or no cost to users. Publishers, including the AMS, are also emphasizing sharing and archiving data that underlie scientific publications.
In this session, we invite submissions that discuss projects, initiatives, and ideas that advance community understanding of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Data and Open Data within the atmospheric and related sciences. We welcome technical, policy, and community-focused submissions on a range of topics related to facilitating transparency and reproducibility of science, including: data discoverability, metadata creation and management, data and metadata formats, data provenance tracking, data distribution and storage, and other relevant topics.