Session 2 Modeling and Monitoring of Air Pollution in the Urban Environment

Monday, 13 January 2020: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
211 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 21st Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the A&WMA
Jeffrey Weil, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO and Chenghao Wang, Arizona State University, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Tempe, AZ

This session will be hosted in collaboration with the AMS Board on the Urban Environment. The focus of this joint session will be on the following two aspects:

(1) Development and applications of models for simulating airborne pollutant transport and dispersion in the urban environment, including but not limited to Lagrangian particle models, Gaussian plume models, large-eddy simulations, RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equations) models, WRF-Chem, and other practical models.

(2) Observations and monitoring of air pollution in the urban environment, including but not limited to those based on wind tunnel or water channel experiments, scale model experiments, field campaigns, long-term observations, and remotely sensed data.

Especially, this session encourages submissions on advances in modeling and monitoring the impact of complex urban geometry/landscapes, such as urban vegetation, on pollutant transport and dispersion.

10:30 AM
Natural Ventilation of Urban Offices: A Summary of Findings from the Refresh Project
Janet F. Barlow, Univ. of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom; and C. Noakes, M. C. Schraefel, H. Gough, C. H. Halios, M. F. King, S. Snow, Z. Luo, C. S. B. Grimmond, A. Robins, and A. Quinn
10:45 AM
Spatial Variation of Air Pollutants Using Machine Learning Models
Jiajun Gu, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY; and G. Bang, A. Guha Roy, M. Brauer, and M. Zhang
11:00 AM
Including Aerosol Dynamic Processes in LES: Evaluation and Application
Mona Kurppa, Univ. of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and S. Karttunen, A. Hellsten, and L. Järvi
11:15 AM
3D Mobile Monitoring and CFD Modeling of PM and BC Distributions in Urban Air Pollution Hotspots
Kyung-Hwan Kwak, Kangwon National Univ., Chuncheon-si, Korea, Republic of (South); and S. H. Lee, Y. U. Kim, Y. H. Lee, J. H. Kim, S. B. Lee, and S. J. Jeong
11:30 AM
11:45 AM
The Spatiotemporal Variability of Aerosols and Particulate Matter in the Urban Environment
Michael Garay, JPL/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; and O. Kalashnikova, M. Franklin, H. Lee, Y. Yu, and M. Sorek-Hamer
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner