Session 1 Measurements and Modeling of CCN and INP. Part I

Monday, 13 January 2020: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
208 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 12th Symposium on Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions
Ottmar Moehler, Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe; Nicole Riemer, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Urbana, IL and Naruki Hiranuma, West Texas A&M Univ., Department of Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Canyon, TX

A large fraction of atmospheric aerosols acts as CCN (cloud condensation nuclei), but only a very minor and strongly temperature dependent fraction called INPs (ice nucleating particles) contributes to the primary ice formation in both mixed-phase and cirrus clouds. These direct impacts of aerosol particles on cloud formation are followed by a variety of secondary processes like coalescence, riming, or ice multiplication, which play major roles in the life cycles and climatic impact of clouds as well as the formation, distribution and intensity of precipitation. Ongoing effort in laboratory, field and modelling work aims at better understanding, quantifying and modelling basic cloud condensation, ice nucleation and precipitation formation processes at scales from the microscopic to the global level. This session welcomes contributions from laboratory, field, and modeling work on basic CCN and ice nucleation processes, the development and model application of cloud microphysical parameterizations, ground based and aircraft based CCN, INP and cloud microphysics measurements, as well as new instrument and method developments for measuring CCN, INPs and cloud microphysical processes.

8:30 AM
Developing a New Ice Nucleation Parameterization for Volcanic Ash Particles in Mixed-Phase Clouds
Nsikanabasi Silas Umo, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany; and R. Ullrich, E. Maters, I. Steinke, N. Benker, K. Höhler, R. Wagner, P. G. Weidler, G. Hoshyaripour, A. Kiselev, U. Kueppers, K. Kandler, D. Dingwell, T. Leisner, and O. Möhler

8:45 AM
Cloud Processing of Soot Particles and the Effect on Ice Nucleation in Subsequent Cloud Formation Cycles
Zamin A. Kanji, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland; and F. Mahrt, K. Kilchhofer, R. O. David, and M. Roesch
9:00 AM
Effect of Secondary Organic Coating on the Ice Nucleation Ability of Solid Ammonium Sulphate Aerosol
Barbara Bertozzi, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany; and R. Wagner, K. Höhler, A. Kiselev, J. Pfeifer, H. Saathoff, J. Song, and O. Möhler

9:15 AM
Contact Nucleation Caused by Pressure Perturbation?
Fan Yang, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and W. Cantrell, A. B. Kostinski, R. A. Shaw, and A. M. Vogelmann
9:30 AM
Clouds out of Pores: Redefining Deposition Nucleation
Robert O. David, Univ. of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; and C. Marcolli, J. Fahrni, F. Mahrt, Z. McGraw, D. Brühwiler, Z. A. Kanji, and T. Storelvmo
9:45 AM
Ice-Nucleating Particle Spectra Relevant for Mixed-Phase Clouds from the Tropics to the Arctic Measured from a Research Aircraft
Alberto Sanchez-Marroquin, Univ. of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom; and B. J. Murray, J. B. McQuaid, and I. T. Burke
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner