Poster Session 17 Mesoscale Meteorology

Sunday, 12 January 2020: 6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Host: 19th Annual Student Conference

Characteristics of Shore-Parallel Lake-Effect Snowbands off of Lake Ontario
Alison Shaw, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY; and P. McMillan, N. D. Metz, N. F. Laird, and D. Johnson

Lake-Effect Snowbands through the Mohawk River Valley
Patrick McMillan, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY; and A. Shaw, N. D. Metz, and N. F. Laird

Environmental Discriminators for Significant Tornadoes and Hail in the Midwestern United States
Cody M. Converse, Northern Illinois Univ., DeKalb, IL; and K. Pittman, L. R. Bundy, B. Brock, and V. A. Gensini

Tracking Extreme Precipitation Events Using Satellite Infrared to Improve MCS Predictability
Kristian Oliver, The Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and C. L. Castro, H. I. Chang, X. Dong, W. Cui, I. Hoteit, and T. M. Luong

Convection Associated with Warm-Season Stationary Fronts East of the Rocky Mountains
Darby Johnson, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY; and N. D. Metz and S. Bartlett

Utilizing Tornado Climatology and Storm Environment Parameters to Enhance the Existing Tornado Detection Strategy in North Carolina
Adam B. Weiner, Millersville Univ., Millersville, PA; and S. Yalda, J. Blaes, and R. Clark

Handout (640.8 kB)

Examining Terrain Effects on Upstate New York Tornado Events Utilizing High-Resolution Model Simulations
Luke LeBel, Univ. at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY; and B. Tang and R. Lazear

Case Study of the Ruston, Louisiana, EF3 Tornado of 25 April 2019
Jacob Zeringue, Univ. of Louisiana, Monroe, Monroe, LA; and B. Bryant, M. Duplantis, and T. A. Murphy

3D Analysis of Low-Level Shear and LCL Height Influences on Outflow and Surface Rotation in Simulated Supercell Thunderstorms
Roger R. Riggin IV, Salisbury Univ., Salisbury, MD; and M. C. Brown, M. Bremenkamp, and C. J. Nowotarski

Validating Hail Production and Accumulation from the New Three-Moment Thompson Microphysical Scheme
Jordan Benjamin, UCAR, Pasadena, CA; and K. Friedrich, G. Thompson, and R. W. Wallace

Physical Properties of Hailstones Collected during the IBHS Field Project: 2012–17
Laura Shedd, The Pennsylvania State Univ., Univ. Park, PA; and M. R. Kumjian, I. M. Giammanco, T. M. Brown-Giammanco, and R. Maiden

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner