NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) is committed to producing use-inspired environmental information products to serve every sector of the U.S. economy to enable robust decision making. Requirements from user interactions guide NCEI's science, research and product innovation, and support the advancement of NCEI’s future product plans.To further NOAA and NCEI’s use-inspired mission goals, NCEI routinely hosts engagement events and engages at sectoral conferences to understand and incorporate user needs into NCEI's suite of products and services, freely available to the public.In May 2019, NCEI hosted a Users’ Conference that convened industry leaders from 14 sectors, government and academia to provide insight and perspectives on the use of NCEI’s environmental data products. This Town Hall focuses on conference outcomes, highlighting common themes and requirements raised by industry sector participants. It will also highlight NCEI’s commitment to making products and services more relevant to the user community.