Panel Discussion 1 Climate Change Impacts, Tipping Points, and the Evidence for Urgency

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
254B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Symposium on Strategies for Addressing the Climate Crisis: Mitigation, Restoration, and Communication
John Keller, Weather Analytics, Inc., Winchester, MA
Jonathan G. Fairman Jr., Athenium Analytics, Dover, MA; Susan Solomon, MIT, EAPS, Cambridge, MA; Gavin Schmidt, NASA GISS, New York City, MA; Jerry Mitrovica, Athenium Analytics, EAPS, Dover, MA and Daniel H. Rothman, MIT, EAPS, Cambridge, MA

System hysteresis pushes the worst impacts climate change into the future. Effectively, the benefits in the human condition that fossil energy has afforded current generations in the developed world has come at the expense of future generations. This panel will discuss the evidence for and consequences of the  environmental impacts resulting from Earth’s destabilizing climate system.

8:45 AM
Panel Discussion

9:00 AM
Ice 911 Research by Leslie Field
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner