Panel Discussion 3 Evaluating the Solutions: What Integrated Assessment Models Tell Us

Wednesday, 15 January 2020: 1:30 PM-2:30 PM
254B (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Symposium on Strategies for Addressing the Climate Crisis: Mitigation, Restoration, and Communication
Caroline Palmer Normile, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA
Gilbert Metcalf, Tufts University, School of Arts and Sciences, Economics, Medford, MA; Juliette Rooney-Varga, Univ. of Massachusetts, Director, Climate Change Initiative, Lowell, MA; Rick Knight, American Meteorological Society 2017-2018 Congressional Science Fellow, Economics, Boston, MA and Gernot Wagner, New York Univ., Department of Environmental Studies, New York, NY

“Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are used to answer central questions about climate change, from how the world could avoid 1.5C of global warming at the lowest cost, through to the implications of countries’ current pledges to cut emissions. They combine different strands of knowledge to explore how human development and societal choices interact with and affect the natural world. This includes the physical laws driving natural systems, as well as the changing habits and preferences that drive human society.” This session focuses on solutions IAMs reveal that lead to the economic transformation necessary to optimally address the urgency of climate change. These are solutions that might be implemented if most engineers, 97% of climate scientists, and 3,500 economists had their way.

1:30 PM
Evaluating the Solutions: What Integrated Assessment Models Tell Us
Juliette Rooney-Varga, Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA
1:45 PM
Panel Discussion

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner