Session 15B Atmospheric Halogen Chemistry and Its Impacts. Part II

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
207 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 22nd Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry
Jose Fuentes, The Pennsylvania State Univ., Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, University Park, PA
Kerri Pratt, The Pennsylvania State Univ., Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, University Park, PA and Paul Shepson, Stony Brook University, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook, NY

Halogen talks

3:30 PM
Coupling Halogen Free Radical Catalysis, Climate Change, and Human Health (Invited Presentation)
James G. Anderson, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA; and C. E. Clapp, D. M. Wilmouth, J. E. Klobas, J. B. Smith, D. S. Sayres, and J. A. Dykema
3:45 PM
Impacts of Marine Cloud Brightening on Atmospheric Chemistry (Invited Presentation)
Hannah Marie Horowitz, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA; Univ. of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, IL; and C. Holmes, A. Wright, T. Sherwen, X. Wang, M. Evans, J. Huang, Q. Chen, L. Jaegle, and B. Alexander
4:00 PM
Insights into the Production of Nitryl Chloride (ClNO2) in Inland Regions from Saline Playas and the Role of Playa Dust Mineralogy in Determining Halogen Yields (Invited Presentation)
Cassandra J. Gaston, RSMAS, MIAMI, FL; and H. M. Royer, D. Mitroo, P. Blackwelder, S. Hayes, S. Haas, K. A. Pratt, and T. E. Gill

4:15 PM
Lofted Dust Initiates Iodine-Induced Ozone Loss
Theodore K. Koenig, Univ. of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO; and R. Volkamer, E. C. Apel, J. F. Bresch, E. W. Eloranta, S. Hall, R. S. Hornbrook, B. Morley, J. M. Reeves, S. M. Spuler, and K. Ullmann
4:30 PM
Formation of Organic Particulate Matter from Chlorine-Initiated Oxidation of Hydrocarbons (Invited Presentation)
Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz, Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX; and C. Masoud, D. Wang, S. Dhulipala, and N. Bhattacharyya

4:45 PM
Nitryl Chloride in the Urban Winter: Results from Recent Aircraft Campaigns (Invited Presentation)
Steven S. Brown, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory/Chemical Sciences Division, Boulder, CO; and E. E. McDuffie, J. A. Thornton, M. Baasandorj, D. L. Fibiger, A. Franchin, J. L. Jimenez, A. Middlebrook, and C. C. Womack
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner