Session 5 Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in Warm Clouds. Part II

Tuesday, 14 January 2020: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
208 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: 12th Symposium on Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions
Alison Nugent, ANL, Environmental Science Division, Lemont, IL; Virendra Ghate, Rutgers Univ., Environmental Sciences, New Brunswick, NJ and Hanii Takahashi, UCLA/JPL, Pasadena, CA

10:30 AM
Observations Pertaining to Precipitation within the Northeast Pacific Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition
Mampi Sarkar, RSMAS, Miami, FL; and P. Zuidema, B. Albrecht, V. Ghate, J. B. Jensen, J. Mohrmann, and R. Wood
10:45 AM
Assessments of Aerosol and Cloud Properties among Observations and Models during the NASA ORACLES Field Campaign
Ian Chang, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and J. Redemann, S. P. Burton, H. Chen, M. S. Diamond, S. J. Doherty, Y. Feng, R. A. Ferrare, G. Ferrada, C. Flynn, L. Gao, M. Kacenelenbogen, S. E. LeBlanc, K. Longo, M. Mallet, K. Meyer, K. Pistone, P. E. Saide, K. S. Schmidt, M. Segal Rozenhaimer, Y. Shinozuka, R. Wood, P. Zuidema, and S. Christopher

11:30 AM
Cloud Edges and Aerosol–Cloud Interactions
Yangang Liu, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY; and C. Lu
11:45 AM
Aerosols of Different Sources on Marine Boundary Cloud Properties and Drizzle Formation
Yuan Wang, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA; and X. Zheng, X. Dong, B. Xi, P. Wu, and Y. L. Yung

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner