Session Networking with AMS Professionals

Sunday, 12 January 2020: 3:15 PM-4:00 PM
255 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Eighth AMS Conference for Early Career Professionals
William Ronald Burkey; Rebecca DePodwin, AccuWeather, Inc., State College, PA; Jordan Bell, NASA SPoRT, Huntsville, AL and Bradford Johnson, Trivector Services, Inc./NOAA/OAR, Silver Spring, MD

Ever wonder what AMS can do for you? This is your chance to find out from high-ranking AMS officials! Join this informal coffee break where many AMS members will be on hand, including

  • AMS Past-Presidents 
  • AMS Council Members
  • AMS Staff
  • AMS Commissioners 
  • AMS Chairs of Boards and Committees
  • Current and former members of the Board for Early Career Professionals
  • Winners of the AMS Award for Early Career Achievement
  • Newly elected AMS Fellows

This is a great chance to meet and network with members, leading up to the Presidential Forum.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner