Sunday, 12 January 2020: 10:55 AM-11:55 AM
255 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Hosts: (Joint
between the Eighth AMS Conference for Early Career Professionals;
and the 19th Annual Student Conference
Jordan Bell, NASA SPoRT, Huntsville, AL and Rebecca DePodwin, AccuWeather, Inc., State College, PA
Bradford Johnson, Trivector Services, Inc./NOAA/OAR, Silver Spring, MD; Elise V. Schultz, Florida State University, Department of Geography, Tallahassee, FL; Elyse Smith, KRCG 13, Jefferson City, MO and Justin I. Pullin
Transitions early in one’s career can be exciting and challenging. Whether it is transitioning to graduate school or into the job market or event from one job to another the unknowns one may face have been faced before by your colleagues and peers. This diverse panel discussion will consist of early career professionals having an open discussion about the challenges and opportunities faced with early career transitions. The panel will not only focus on the professional side of the transition but also personal side.
See more of: Eighth AMS Conference for Early Career Professionals