Getting creative with climate change outreach: promoting scientific engagement, improving science literacy, and building community

Monday, 13 January 2020: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
152 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Town Hall Meetings
Janel Hanrahan, Lyndon State College, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndonville, PA
Janel Hanrahan, Lyndon State College, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndonville, PA
Jonathan Hutchinson, Northern Vermont Univeristy-Lyndon, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndonville, VT; Maison DeJesus, Northern Vermont Univeristy-Lyndon, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndonville, VT; Patrick Wickstrom, Northern Vermont Univeristy-Lyndon, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndonville, VT and Lillie Farrell, Northern Vermont Univeristy-Lyndon, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndonville, VT
Janel Hanrahan, Lyndon State College, Atmospheric Sciences, Lyndonville, PA

Are you interested in spreading awareness about climate change in fun and creative ways? Are you already engaged in science outreach and have ideas to share? In this Town Hall session, student and faculty members of The Climate Consensus, an outreach group at Northern Vermont University-Lyndon, will share their experiences with community engagement on this important topic. They will discuss creative ways they have prompted discussion about climate change within the local community and important lessons learned. This session format will include a panel discussion with audience participation for the purpose of identifying creative ways of improving climate change literacy among the public, while also building community across disciplines at our institutions.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
See more of: Town Hall Meetings