Session Mind the Gap: Efforts to Prepare Students for the Real World

Monday, 13 January 2020: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
255 (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Eighth AMS Conference for Early Career Professionals
Rebecca DePodwin, AccuWeather, Inc., State College, PA and Matt Rogers, Commodity Weather Group, LLC, Washington, DC
Stephen Bennett, Riskpulse, Austin, TX
Heidi Centola, The Weather Company, An IBM Business, Phoenix, AZ; Andrea L. Lang, University at Albany, SUNY, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, Albany, NY; Lawrence Gloeckler III, Riskpulse, Philadelphia, PA; Maximilian Andrew Vido, Riskpulse, Philadelphia, PA and Sue Ellen Haupt, NCAR, Research Applications Laboratory, Boulder, CO

The July 2019 Mind the Gap Workshop in Boulder, CO, brought together students, academics, and private sector meteorologists to tackle the misalignment between graduating meteorologists and critical skill sets that prevent success in private sector career paths. The workshop’s five core objectives:

1) Identify curriculum gaps related to preparing students for careers in the private sector.

2) Discuss these gaps, challenges, and creative solutions that can be scaled across the academic and private sectors.

3) Create a set of recommendations that can be used by departments across the country to modify their curricula in order to address these gaps.

4) Create a set of recommendations for the private sector to take a more active role in directly addressing skills gaps through internships, capstones, and partnerships with academic programs.

5) Promote future venues for sparking mutual innovation between the private sector and academia, driven by students were discussed at length by groups comprised of private sector professionals, students, and academic faculty members. 


At the end of the workshop, group leaders guided report outs that led to the development of short-range (weeks to months), medium-range (months to years), and long-range (several years) goals to address workshop objectives. These goals underpin a roadmap that includes several AMS committees. This roadmap  will be presented and discussed during this panel discussion.

      - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
      - Indicates an Award Winner