3 Pathways to Tackle Future Challenges

Thursday, 16 January 2020: 12:15 PM-1:15 PM
210AB (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Presidential Town Hall Meetings
k Averyt, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Western Water Assessment, Boulder, CO
Speaker (Session Level):
William B. Gail, Global Weather Corp., Boulder, CO

In anticipation of the 100th year of the AMS, the leadership established a Centennial Committee chaired by former AMS President Bill Gail. One goal of the Committee was to assess emerging issues and anticipate the grand challenges of the future. The AMS community was invited to contribute perspectives on the greatest challenges facing our society in the coming 100 years. Three overarching themes emerged as the feedback was organized: advance science, applications, capabilities, & ourselves; amplify our impact on society; and respond to society's growing needs and opportunities. The top priority for each theme was identified through an AMS-wide voting process: to educate new generations, to enhance dialogue with the public and Congress, and to ensure sustainability of Earth and its resources. Led by Bill Gail, this town hall will be an engaging, participatory dialog designed to identify how AMS-members can respond to the challenges identified through this society-wide process.

12:15 PM
Town Hall Meeting by William Gail
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner