Session Joint Lunch Session with BPSM: Entrepreneurship and the Roads Less Traveled

Sunday, 12 January 2020: 11:55 AM-1:00 PM
205C (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center)
Host: Eighth AMS Conference for Early Career Professionals
Adam K.S. Simkowski, Mississippi State Univ., ACES, Department of Geoscience, Indianapolis, IN
Matt Rogers, Commodity Weather Group, LLC, Washington, DC; Morgan Brown Yarker, Yarker Consulting, Cedar Rapids, IA; Brian V. Smoliak, The Climate Corporation, Seattle, WA and Alicia Wasula, Shade Tree Meteorology, LLC, Niskayuna, NY

The Board of Private Sector Meteorologists joins the Early Career Board for a unique paneled perspective of alternative routes through the weather enterprise.  Hear from individuals who have started their own businesses or who have carved out new roles for themselves that did not exist before.  Learn the challenges and benefits of the roads less traveled.

A boxed lunch is included.

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner