J7.3 Air-sea Energy Fluxes including Eddy-covariance Fluxes during CINDY/DYNAMO

Wednesday, 11 July 2012: 11:00 AM
Essex Center/South (Westin Copley Place)
Osamu Tsukamoto, Okayama University, JAPAN, Okayama, Japan; and H. Ueno and F. Kondo

During the Intensive Observation Period of “CINDY/DYNAMO”, R/V MIRAI (JAMSTEC) was located 8S,80E. During the two month stationary observation on R/V MIRAI, 3-hourly eddy flux runs were carried out steaming up against the wind to minimize the flow distortion and thermal effects of the ship body. Eddy flux system was setup on the top of the foremast and sensible and latent heat fluxes are available as well as bulk energy fluxes. Downwelling radiation measurement was carried out with a pyranometer and a pyrgeometer in the SOAR system and it was setup next to the eddy-covariance system. Upward radiation components can be calculated assuming the sea surface albedo and blackbody radiation with sea surface temperature. Surface net radiation was synthesized with the eddy fluxes of sensible and latent heat and lead to net surface energy fluxes as ocean warming. The latent heat flux can be read as surface water vapor supply to the atmosphere leading to cumulus convection. Ocean warming/cooling can be related to CTD observation and energy and water vapor supply to the atmosphere can be related to radiosonde sounding data.
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