The 2011-12 DYNAMO field campaign, along with its companion experiments CINDY and AMIE, has offered unique opportunity to explore the atmospheric mixed layer variation in association with the MJO in a different ocean basin. Since the Indian Ocean is frequently the initiation site for the MJO and air-sea interaction is regarded as an important factor in the initiation process, it is of great interest to know how the mixed layer varies in this region over the MJO time scale.
Efforts are underway to investigate the multiscale variability of the atmospheric mixed layer at all oceanic sites during DYNAMO. Preliminary analysis of soundings from Leg 3 of the R/V Revelle for the period 10 November-3 December reveals a mean mixed-layer depth of 510 m, consistent with COARE results. This cruise experienced a strong MJO event in mid-to-late November. It was accompanied by shallow mixed layers in recovering precipitation downdraft wakes followed by very deep (~1000 m) mixed layers during the period of strong surface winds following the heaviest precipitation, also consistent with COARE findings. Further work is ongoing to investigate the behavior of the mixed layer over a longer period at the Revelle and at other DYNAMO sites.