As an initial approach aiming at ultimately having in situ measurements of momentum, latent and sensible heat and CO2 fluxes, a simple eddy covariance system was installed aboard the ship. It consisted in an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) a three-dimensional sonic anemometer and a motion sensor (used to the correction of flows). In this study, the limitations of such measurements are presented, in terms of the motion corrections necessary and their effect to the turbulence signals. Turbulent velocity spectra and scalar flux cospectra are largely affected by the motion and the associated correction. Energy fluxes are then compared to those obtained from classical parameterizations used in air-sea interaction studies.
In future campaigns, a more robust system will be used for flux observations. Therefore, through the realization of this project it is expected the training of a multidisciplinary team able to make in situ measurements of fluxes of momentum, heat and CO2 in the southwest Atlantic, a region of great importance for the sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. By analyzing the results, it is expected to enhance the understanding of the modes and processes related to the variability of oceanic and atmospheric flows, as well as the possible impacts of these processes in the study region. The in situ observations will also be used for studies in conjunction with satellite-derived data and will feed numerical modeling studies.