At the University of Colorado (CU) AmeriFlux tower near Niwot Ridge, Colorado a closed-path IRGA (LI-COR, model LI-6262) has been deployed since 1998 to measure ecosystem fluxes with a 10m long 1/4 inch dekaron tube transporting the air sample to the LI-6262 (Monson et al., 2002). The LI-6262 has been out of production for over 10 years and requires factory maintenance about every two years. To take advantage of the new design features mentioned above and reduce instrument maintenance costs, we wanted to upgrade the LI-6262 to a newer model IRGA. However, one difficulty with changing the analyzer in the middle of such a long-term measurement program is that the upgraded sensor can potentially bias conclusions about the phenomena being measured. Therefore, prior to replacing the LI-6262 IRGA on the AmeriFlux tower, we deemed it crucial to better understand any instrument-dependent measurement differences over the full range of environmental conditions experienced at this specific site. Consequently, starting in summer 2013, a LI-7200 and EC155/CPEC200 (along with an open-path LI-7500) were deployed side-by-side with the LI-6262 inlet at 21.5m on the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux tower. The preliminary results presented in our study will compare the H2O and CO2 spectra and cospectra measured by each IRGA alongside the final calculated fluxes.
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