Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Salon C (Denver Marriott Westminster)
During the Mei-Yu season, some extreme precipitation events might occur in Taiwan, due to the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs)which embedded in the southwesterlies monsoon. To understand the formation, evaluation and dissipation of MCSs, TTFRI (Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute) cooperate with Airforce, Central Weather Bureau (CWB), National Taiwan University (NTU), National Central University (NCU), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and Chinese Culture University (CCU) to perform the high dense observation network in the southwest region of Taiwan from May 26 to Jun 13, 2014.
Observation instruments carried out in this experiment including C-Pol radar(in the mountain top), TEAM-R radar (Mobile), 1D and 2D distrometer, 5~7 sounding systems, dropsonde, wind profiler, captive balloon and surface flux tower. Considering the hydrological characteristics of watersheds in Taiwan, precipitation, water stage, river discharge and surficial inundations in Dianbao River Basin are also scheduled to construct. The observation products could transferred to the website in CWB and TTFRI Taipei office near real time, to give assistance for the quantitatively precipitation estimate (QPE), data assimilation of model forecasting and disaster prevention.