In this study we examine the impact of the evolving sea ice states on the Arctic atmospheric conditions using the Navy's regional numerical weather prediction model (Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System - COAMPSĀ®) driven by the sea ice surface conditions predicted by the Arctic Cap Nowcast/Forecast System (ACNFS). ACNFS is a coupled sea ice and ocean model that generates real-time forecasts of ice concentration, ice edge location, ice thickness, ice draft and ice drift for all sea ice covered areas in the northern hemisphere (poleward of 40N). These fields are used by COAMPS as the surface boundary condition, which directly modulates distribution of turbulent and radiative surface fluxes. The improved physical parameterizations in COAMPS are compared with the benchmark simulations and evaluated for the Arctic conditions. Systematic verification of the boundary layer structure over the evolving sea ice with high heterogeneity is performed against the Arctic surface observations and data from previous field experiments.