In the process of developing the quality-control (QC) and QA scheme for the German TERENO project, a wrapper software around a slightly modified version of ECPACK was developed that incorporates the calculation of error flags after Vickers & Mahrt, quality classes after Foken & Wichura, a few other QC tests, original ECPACK errors (van Dyke,1992), errors after Finkelstein & Sims (2001), as well as target area matching by currently one footprint model (Korman & Meixner, 2001).
An optional correction of lags between anemometer and gas analyzer signals was found to remove the reduction of the calculated flux values that had been observed in the past by comparing ECPACK output to TK2/3 and other software. A Comparison of the flagging schemes and errors also demonstrates several redundancies in the established methods, if applied to mid-latitude vegetated sites. Our software, however, enables further investigations of such kind, under completely different conditions. Furthermore it allows to generate consistent data sets across different networks using different QC/QA schemes.