A three level mast (10, 20 and 40 m) was equipped with Gill WindMaster Pro ultrasonic anemometers measuring 3D wind speed and sonic temperature at 5 Hz sampling rate at the top of the so-called Pometeno brdo (Swept-away Hill, 600 m ASL), a bora upwind site to the city of Split. Measurements lasted from April 2010 to June 2011, thus capturing multiple bora events (some including pulsations) during all annual seasons. For two different bora cases, we calculate all the terms in the simplified turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget equation (1D model of the TKE budget, horizontal homogeneity assumed), except the pressure covariance term. Next, we address bora turbulence anisotropy, i.e., the velocity component variance aspect ratio. The enhanced bora anisotropy might explain barely adequate experimental, otherwise fine dimensional scaling between the TKE, dissipation and integral length-scale. A few related bora cases are simulated with WRF model.