Monday, 9 June 2014
Palm Court (Queens Hotel)
Observations of turbulent momentum and heat fluxes over the Arctic marginal ice zone will be presented. The observations were made via three aircraft-based field campaigns - in March and April 2013 with two aircraft, and in July 2013 with one - in the vicinity of Svalbard. The campaigns were part of the ACCACIA project: Aerosol-Cloud Coupling And Climate Interactions in the Arctic. Low-level aircraft legs have been used to estimate turbulent quantities, in particular the turbulent fluxes, roughness lengths and exchange coefficients. These are analysed as a function of sea-ice concentration and sea-ice morphology. Atmospheric boundary-layer profiles will also be used to characterise boundary-layer development. Typically flights range from moderately stable conditions (occasionally in cloud) to moderately unstable conditions across the MIZ. In some cases a well-developed internal boundary layer was in place. The sea-ice roughness lengths and exchange coefficients will be compared to recently published bulk flux algorithms appropriate for summer and marginal sea ice conditions.