The Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) onboard the CALIPSO satellite has been continuously observing the laminar cirrus with unprecedented details since 2006. In this presentation, we will apply newly developed semi-automatic tool, called CALIPSO Interactive Digitization Interface (CINDI), to extract laminar characteristics (length, height, location, shape, mass, etc.) from CALIPSO Level-1 532 nm backscatter data.
With CINDI we are able to investigate for the first time the laminar cirrus global morphology on a monthly basis. Initial results show a diurnal difference in the occurring frequency and formation height of laminar cirrus in the TTL. By sorting laminar cirrus into isolated and convective cases, we are able to quantify their formation mechanisms and their roles on depleting the upper troposphere WV. We will present our study on the derived relationship between the total water mass of laminar cirrus and WV amount retrieved from Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations in proximity of the laminar cirrus. We will also show our analysis of inertial gravity waves and their impacts on laminar cirrus formation.