The atmospheric response to different solar forcing and greenhouse gas concentration is simulated using an idealized general circulation model similar to that of Frierson (2008) and and Schneider and O’Gorman (2008). Changes are assessed for the tropopause and for the meridional circulation on dry and moist isentropes. It is found that, in warm climates, the tropopause is decoupled from the dry isentropic circulation in that the later becomes increasingly confined to the lower troposphere. In contrast, there is a strong connection between the poleward branch of the circulation on moist isentropes and the tropopause. From a physical point of view, this implies that, in warm climates, the extratropical tropopause is determined by the value of the equivalent potential temperature of the subtropical warm moist air that feeds the midlatitude stormtracks.
Frierson, DMW, 2008: Midlatitude Static Stability in Simple and Comprehensive General Circulation Models, J. Atmos. Sci, 65, 1049-1062.
Held, I.M., and B.J. Sobel, 2006: Robust Responses of the Hydrological Cycle to Global Warming. J. Climate. 19, 4686-5699.
Juckes, M. N., 2000: The static stability of the midlatitude troposphere: The relevance of moisture. J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 3050–3057.
Schneider, T. and P. O’Gorman, 2008: Moist Convection and the Thermal Stratification of the Extratropical Troposphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 3571-3583.