Previous studies that focus on the Ekman arrest problem either assume constant diffusivity and viscosity or use simple turbulence closure methods such as Mellor-Yamada. Here, using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) techniques, we show that in a turbulence resolving (centimeter scale) model, the statistically steady-state cross-slope flow remains ~50% of the peak value after the Ekman arrest timescale. The leading order balance in the cross-slope direction is between the buoyancy force and Coriolis force. We examine the interactions between frictional and buoyancy forcing in this multiple-timescale system. Momentum, potential vorticity budgets and simple scaling analysis are presented to explain the possible discrepancies between idealized Ekman arrest results and the LES study with more realistic set-ups. A revised estimate of cross-slope transport would impact the predictions of coastal upwelling as well as water mass modification in the BBL over sloping bathymetry.