Monday, 15 August 2016
Grand Terrace (Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center)
The best water vapor information layer (BWIL) of the 6.7 μm water vapor absorption infrared (IR) band for the FengYun-2E is investigated over the Tibetan Plateau with standard atmospheric profile and European Center of Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) operational model analysis data. The sensitivity tests show that surface characteristics over the Tibetan Plateau have a significant influence on the BWIL. To be specific, topographic elevation, colder skin temperature and lower emissivity tend to lift the altitude of the BWIL, decrease its magnitude, and narrow the half-width range. The results from statistical analysis indicate that the altitude of the BWIL reaches the highest in summer and the lowest in winter. Meanwhile, the altitude of the BWIL is highly correlated with the water vapor amount above 500 hPa over the Tibetan Plateau and above 300 hPa over the East China Plain, respectively. The diurnal variation in the BWIL is synchronous with the diurnal variation in the surface skin temperature. It can be concluded from the study that surface characteristics over high terrain in dry and cold atmospheres have more significant impacts on the BWIL. With multiple water vapor absorption IR bands, the imagers on board the new generation of geostationary satellites will provide crucial improvement in water vapor remote sensing over the current single water vapor band on board the FY-2 series according to the analysis in this study.