Handout (18.2 MB)
Under the NASA MEASUREs project a new global, high spectral resolution land surface emissivity database is being made available as part of the Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Earth System Data Record. This CAMEL emissivity database, is created by the merging of the MODIS baseline-fit emissivity database (UWIREMIS) developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the ASTER Global Emissivity Database produced at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Available for 2000 through 2017 at monthly mean, 5km resolution for 13 bands within the 3.6-14.3 micron region, this dataset is extended to 417 infrared spectral channels using a principal component regression approach.
This work presents BBE calculated using this new database with MODIS surface temperature as input. BBE over two wavelength ranges is computed—the full available MEASUREs spectrum from 3.6-14.3 microns and 8.0-13.5 microns, which has been determined to be an optimal range for computing the most representative all wavelength, longwave net radiation (Ogawa and Schmugge, 2000, 2004; Cheng et al., 2013). This dataset provides the advantages of being consistent with the MEASUREs HSR emissivity and not requiring regression schemes—BBE can be calculated by simple numerical integration over the MEASURES high spectral resolution emissivity product. Variations of monthly BBE since 2003 are investigated and are separated by land cover classification schemes.