While cloud height comparisons have been a common activity in the past Cloud Retrieval and Evaluation Workshops (CREW), the AMV application only uses a sub-set of cloud heights. This subset usually consists of cloud edges and other features that are identifiable targets in the AMV tracking schemes. To make a relevant analysis, we will use an AMV algorithm to select pixels which would serve as AMV targets and restrict our analysis to those pixels. We will use the NOAA/CIMSS GOES-R AMV software and use 1DVAR heights from NOAA (ACHA) and EUMETSAT (OCA). Our goal will be to compare the cloud height performance for the AMV-relevant pixels. Another aspect of this work is to compare the cloud height uncertainty estimates and other meta-data. We intend to collaborate with the International Winds Working Group (IWWG) and work towards standard and relevant definitions of our products and their meta-data.