Monday, 15 August 2016
Grand Terrace (Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center)
Life cycle of deep convection is studied using observation from geostationary satellite and simulation by Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM). We can classify ice cloud (anvil cloud) as larger brightness temperature difference between the split window (11 and 12 micron channel) data onboard geostationary satellite. Classified ice cloud by the split window has been validated by CALIPSO observations. The evolution of deep convection over the tropics can be observed with 10 minute interval by new Japanese geostationary satellite HIMAWARI-8. We found the followings from the time series of cloud type classification map. 1) At the early stage the deep convection is mostly consist of optically thick cumulonimbus type cloud. 2) With the time goes on anvil cloud (consists of ice) increases. 3) At decaying stage, the deep convection mostly consists of ice cloud. Thus the percentage of anvil cloud within the deep convection defined by cloud area colder than 253K brightness temperature is a good indicator of the life stage. We compare the evolution of deep convection defined as the cloud area colder than 253K in infrared observation by geostationary satellite and defined as higher mixing ratio of ice represented in NICAM. From the comparison with the ice areas in NICAM show good correspondence with the satellite observations both in time and space. Especially, at decaying stage the areal shrinking rate of deep convection in NICAM is similar to that of cloud area observed by satellite.