We investigate low-level mixed-phase stratocumulus in Arctic summer over sea ice in a weakly stable boundary layer capped by a strong temperature inversion. Initializing and benchmarking our modified version of WRF-LES with data from the recent measurement campaigns ACLOUD and PASCAL (Wendisch et al., 2017) grants insight to the cloud-driving processes beyond what can be learned from observational data or large-eddy simulation alone. Performing a resolution-convergence study enables us to analyze cloud-driving non- or under-resolved microphysical, radiative and turbulent processes and their interaction as well as the interaction of stratocumulus and the surface. Our set-up is benchmarked against the well-investigated DYCOMS-II RF01 scenario for a corresponding scenario at lower latitude. A resolution-convergence study for this case reveals that the first-moments of e. g. liquid potential temperature, cloud water mixing ratio and boundary layer height are independent of the horizontal resolution only below 10 m - less than what many other studies of low-level stratocumulus employ. Due to smaller characteristic eddies, we apply a resolution of 3.5 m in the stably stratified Arctic scenario to ensure a sufficient representation of those eddies and their effects.
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