Here we will present results based on high resolution (500-1500 m) coupled simulations of the Iroise Sea (French Brittany). Using an adapted OASIS-MCT interface, the ocean Model for Applications at Regional Scale (MARS3D), the third generation wind and wave model WaveWatchIII (WW3), and the non-hydrostatic mesoscale atmospheric model of the French research community (MesoNH) were coupled. The Iroise Sea offers an excellent study area with a multitude of physical processes spanning several spatio-temporal scales (strong tidal currents, an intense seasonal SST front, and long fetch waves) which allow to shed insights on air-sea interactions and importance of various aspects of dynamical coupling. After demonstrating how crucial the quality of the atmospheric forcing is for improving modeled ocean hydrodynamics and vice versa, we explore whether 2-way atmosphere-wave-ocean coupling is necessary, in what environments and conditions. The necessity to include wave dynamics will be evaluated and their representation in the coupled framework will be discussed. We will focus on two sub regions with contrasting dynamics: the Ouessant SST front and the Fromveur Passage where tidal currents are strong. The simulations were run for a period of low to moderate winds as observed during the FroMVar (Front de Marée Variable) field campaign at the beginning of September 2011. Data collected during FroMVar (scanfish, ADCP, wave buoy, radio soundings, eddy covariance fluxes) will be used to ascertain model accuracy.