Four years later and after two workshops, a preliminary “synthesis” can be done with some interesting results for the SCM inter-comparison and new open questions especially for LES.
After a brief overview of the case, the main results of the SCM intercomparison will be presented. The impact of the new setup with a given vertical grid and additional prescribed some key surface parameter, will be shown. The contribution of each physical processes (turbulent and radiative contribution) will be analysed with a focus on the cooling period. Finally, the use of the LES results on the idealized case to validate the SCM will also be discussed. However, the preliminary results of the LES intercomparison reveals differences among the LES. Higher horizontal resolution (1m) was necessary to reduce significantly the spread among the LES models during the stable part of the case. Nevertheless, some LES ouput such as the subgrid turbulence are still different.
This exercise is supported by the French national program LEFE/INSU.