Tuesday, 12 June 2018: 10:30 AM
Meeting Room 19-20 (Renaissance Oklahoma City Convention Center Hotel)
During the CASPER West IOP, several platforms collected observations within the oceanic surface boundary layer. These platforms included the RV Sally Ride, RP FLIP and multiple autonomous gliders (subsurface) and wavegliders (surface). Ship-based and platform-based observations included basic atmospheric measurements, high vertical resolution thermistor chains in the upper 10 m, microstructure profiling of turbulent mixing, ADCP measurements of currents down to 700 m, underway CTD profiles and small boat CTD measurements. Gliders were equipped with turbulence microstructure sensors and high resolution acoustic current profilers to resolve finescale shear. Processes observed include a persistent internal tide that generated large vertical shears and layers of elevated turbulent mixing below the surface boundary layer. Also, ship-based and small-boat observations reveal the response of the surface boundary layer to the onset of an intense Santa Ana wind event.