Handout (402.8 kB)
The primary purpose of this paper is to discuss what we now know about the DRC by presenting several studies which have not been formally published as of yet. Specifically, the results of a study focusing on DRCs in a large sample of storms are discussed. These DRCs descended in a variety of ways, one of which may be preferred for tornadogenesis. Within this study, the frequency of DRCs is explored within supercells and preceding tornadogenesis. Near surface single-Doppler velocity signatures were investigated during the occurrence of DRCs. Of the 64 supercells included within this study, 59% were DRC producing. 30% of the DRCs preceded tornadogenesis, while 24% of tornadoes followed DRCs.
Finally, a visual observation of a descending reflectivity core (DRC) is presented with accompanying radar data from a WSR-88D on 6 June 2005. The DRC appeared as a dense rain shaft that descended rapidly from the cloud base. Through the use of stereo photogrammetric techniques, it is seen that the rain shaft corresponded with a maximum of reflectivity within a developing hook echo.
Supplementary URL: http://people.aero.und.edu/~kennedya/DRC