Handout (1.3 MB)
The Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS) version 4.4 is used in this study. It is nested with the 4D-VAR Regional Spectral Model of the Observatory. Simulation is performed down to a horizontal resolution of 1.3 km. The method developed by Brasseur (2001) is employed to estimate the gusts associated with the squall line. The estimated gusts are found to agree better with actual observations compared to the other methods (such as GUSTEX). The study demonstrated that it was feasible to forecast the wind strength associated with squally lines using RAMS and the Brasseur's gust estimation technique.
The use of cloud-top turbulence in RAMS is found to have a great impact on several aspects of the simulation results, such as the development of convection (as shown in the updraft strength) and the speed of movement of the squall line (which is related to the strength of the cold pool associated with the squall line). These will also be discussed in the paper.
Reference: Brasseur, O., 2001: Development and application of a physical approach to estimating wind gusts, Mon. Weather Rev. 129, 5 25.