Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Pre-Convene Space (Adam's Mark Hotel)
Handout (362.5 kB)
There are those who pursue the study of severe weather with scientific instruments, and those who just enjoy watching a severe storm. Born on September 5, 1933, Roger Jensen, a non-scientist but keen student of the natural world, was among the first weather observers. His instrument of choice was an ordinary camera. He began photographing from the family's farm near Lake Park, MN in the late 1940's. To him, there was no better experience than seeing a spring storm on the open plains, feeling the wind, smelling the inflow air, hearing the sound of distant thunder, or tasting the success of a great photo opportunity. When he wasn't searching the sky for some scene rarely photographed -up to that time, his interests ranged from winter landscapes to spring fields filled with sunflowers. This paper will celebrate the life and dedication of Roger Jensen as an astute observer and photographer of storms. From his early years on the farm to a later chronic battle with diabetes, Roger never stopped photographing the sky, even from his nursing home toward the end of life. Readers will discover what a great man he was.