Tuesday, 7 November 2006: 2:45 PM
St. Louis AB (Adam's Mark Hotel)
Presentation PDF (970.2 kB)
On June 8, 2005, a bow echo developed and moved rapidly across central and northeastern South Dakota. Several anemometer readings exceeded 50 m/s during the most intense phase of this bow echo. As the bow echo reached maturity, numerous mesovorticies formed along the leading edge. Several of theses mesovorticies were tornadic, producing damage rated up to F-1. Radar and observational data are used to examine the synoptic and mesoscale environments that lead to this intense tornadic bow echo. The study focuses on the intense straight line winds and the transition to a tornadic bow echo. A detailed storm survey was conducted that correlated the most intense damage with the paths of the leading edge mesovorticies.
Supplementary URL: http://weather.gov/aberdeen/june8storm