The two MCVs with only localized secondary convection have well-defined mesoscale vertical motion couplets with d ownshear ascent and upshear descent above the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Although the amplitude is significantly greater, the kinematically derived vertical motion dipole resembles that implied by steady, vortex-relative isentropic flow, consistent with previous idealized (dry) simulations and diagnoses based on operational model analyses. In the other three cases with either widespread precipitation or weak environmental vertical shear, the kinematic and isentropic vertical motion patterns are poorly correlated.
Vertical motions above the PBL focus secondary convection through adiabatic cooling downshear and adiabatic warming upshear of the MCV center. The MCVs occur within surface frontal zones with large temperature and moisture gradients across the environmental vertical shear vector. Thus, the effect of vertical motions on conditional instability is reinforced by horizontal advections of high equivalent potential temperature, air downshear and low- air upshear within the PBL. On average, the quadrant immediately right of downshear (typically southeast of the MCV center) best supports deep convection due to the juxtaposition of greatest mesoscale ascent, high- PBL air, and MCV-induced enhancement of the vertical shear.