Wednesday, 8 November 2006
Pre-Convene Space (Adam's Mark Hotel)
Handout (797.8 kB)
Multi-Doppler observations of a nontornadic supercell observed by three Doppler On Wheels (DOW) radars on 23 May 2002 during the International H2O Project (IHOP) are presented. The observations begin while the storm is a mature supercell and continue for approximately an hour, during which time the storm begins to dissipate. This case is of interest in that the DOW radars were positioned far enough from the storm to provide dual-Doppler data coverage over nearly all of the precipitation region, as well as in part of the precipitation-free inflow, where clear-air scatterers provided sufficient power for the retrieval of the wind there. The wind syntheses will be used to evaluate the importance of the forward flank outflow in augmenting the horizontal vorticity, as well as the effect(s), if any, of the storm on the kinematic fields within the precipitation-free, near-storm inflow region.