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To explore this further, a database of Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) soundings associated with tornadic supercells is used in this study to examine significant (F2+ intensity) tornado cases associated with mixed-layer LCL heights considered relatively high (e.g., 1300 to 2000 m AGL) based on recent studies. Of 212 RUC soundings associated with significant tornadoes during 2001-2005, 44 (21%) had mixed-layer LCL heights in this range. In these cases, additional thermodynamic parameters were explored to see if other common characteristics could be found that might help forecasters identify such events.
When wind shear and convective available potential energy (CAPE) are favorable for supporting supercell tornadoes, results suggest that low-level (0-3 km) CAPE and LFC height can offer additional clues to signficant tornado environments where LCL heights appear "relatively high". The presence of low-level CAPE in such settings indicates a strongly surface-based environment with a relatively deep low-level moist layer and the absence of an inhibiting inversion, despite spreads between surface temperature and dewpoint that appear rather large.
These results will be documented and discussed, and some recent high" LCL supercell tornado events will be examined.