23rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/19th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction

Session 4A

 Ensemble Forecasting Part I
 CoChair: Edward Bensman, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
Chair: Carolyn A. Reynolds, NRL, Monterey, CA
4:00 PM4A.1AFWA's Joint Ensemble Forecast System Experiment  extended abstract wrf recording
Evan Kuchera, Air Force Weather Agency, Offutt AFB, NE; and T. Nobis, S. Rentschler, S. Rugg, J. Cunningham, J. Hughes, and M. Sittel
4:15 PM4A.2The Air Force Weather Agency's mesoscale ensemble: scientific description and recent results   wrf recording
Joshua Hacker, NRL, CA; and C. Snyder, S. Ha, J. Schramm, M. Pocernich, and D. Dowell
4:30 PM4A.3Representing Model Error in the AWFA Joint Mesoscale Ensemble by a Stochastic Kinetic Backscatter Scheme  
Judith Berner, NCAR, Boulder, CO; and A. Fournier, S. Y. Ha, J. Hacker, and C. Snyder
4:45 PM4A.4Recent upgrade of NCEP short-range ensemble forecast (SREF) system  extended abstract wrf recording
Jun Du, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD; and G. Dimego, Z. Toth, D. Jovic, B. Zhou, J. Zhu, J. Wang, and H. Juang
5:00 PM4A.5Upgrade of NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System  
Yuejian Zhu, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC, Camp Springs, MD; and Z. Toth, R. Wobus, D. Hou, and B. Cui
5:15 PM4A.6The impact of a stochastic perturbation scheme on hurricane prognosis in NCEP global ensemble forecast  
Dingchen Hou, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC and SAIC, Camp Springs, MD; and Z. Toth and Y. Zhu

Monday, 1 June 2009: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM, Grand Ballroom East

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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