Session 19.5 Dual-Doppler analyses of nontornadic supercells observed with mobile ground-based Doppler radars

Friday, 31 October 2008: 11:30 AM
North & Center Ballroom (Hilton DeSoto)
Mario Majcen, California University of Pennsylvania, California, PA; and P. Markowski, Y. Richardson, and J. Wurman

Presentation PDF (2.9 MB)

Dual-Doppler wind syntheses derived from Doppler On Wheels (DOW) data will be presented in order to document the morphology and evolution of low-level kinematic fields within four nontornadic supercells observed during the ROTATE-2004 deployments on 12, 15, 17 and 18 June 2004, respectively. The characteristics of these nontornadic supercells will be compared with the characteristics of tornadic supercells found in the literature.
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